Fort Worth Environmental Coalition of Communities
A coalition of Fort Worth organizations advocating for Environmental Justice and exposing the damage of pollution in our communities.
Who we are
We are a coalition of local organizations advocating for environmental justice and who are dedicated to exposing the damage caused by pollution in our communities. We believe that all Fort Worth residents have a right to fresh air, clean water, safe streets, and healthy neighborhoods. We believe that corporations that pollute and put human lives at risk must be held accountable, and have no right to continue their operations.
What we want
An end to the encroachment of industrial development in residential areas. Districts that have an established residential population should have the ultimate say in how their community develops, not corporations that have no vested interest in the health and safety of residents.
Current projects
Holding the City Accountable
Combating Industrial zoning in Echo Heights. What’s going on in Echo Heights is abhorrent, and completely unacceptable. Commercial trucking and other industries have been taking over the neighborhood, subjecting the community to devastating pollution and harsh chemicals. A recent effort was thwarted, thanks to the work of local organizers and community members, to prevent new industry expansion directly across the street from an elementary school which has been there for decades.
These are the kind of dangerous developments we can expect to see continue if the city is not held accountable.
Get Involved
Echo Heights Stop Six Environmental Coalition
Echo Heights Stop Six Environmental Coalition is a group of residents who are fighting against the planned industrialization of our neighborhood. We want to protect the health, wealth, and future of our community.
NorthSide Fort Worth AirĀ
Northside FW Air is a group of concerned citizens with specific goals to improve air quality near the chemical plants that border the neighborhood on East Central Avenue and Grove Streets. This community has been long ignored for air quality with frequent irritant gas releases.